Happy Halloween!!!!!

Happy Halloween!!! Hope Every one had a great one! I was Catwoman!!!
 I have always loved Catwoman I remember going to see Tim Burton's
Batman Returns  in the Theater and buying my this catwoman poster that
I still have hanging up in my room at home. I love the plot of pushover
Selina Kyle becoming bad ass sex bomb shell cat women hear her mew!!
So that year for Halloween I was a 5 year old mini Catwoman hahaha then
6 years later my mom and I made a big girl cat woman halloween costume.
This year I decided I wanted to be old school cartoon Catwoman and it was
soo fun!!! These are some photos I took of me and my little kitty trying to
 recreate the cartoon ; ) she didn't like me heels and was so distracted by the
wip that she didn't make the best model but we had fun away.... I threw this
all together in a few hours and had to use self timer but they are just for fun!

Spooky Scary Earrings on Etsy!!! 

If you want some of these earrings they are on Etsy


Pich and Roor said...

OMG Gwynne freakin perfect!! Love the Catwoman look w/ your kitty :)

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